Biennial Board Meeting 2015




The summer board meetiflg of the Texas Federation of Music Clubs was called to order at 10:00 am by President Phyllis Noonan. All present read the Collect and sang the Federation Hymn led by Mary Thornason and accompanied by Virginia Kniesner, piano.

Lois Armor welcomed everyone in the absence of Marque McKay. Response was given by Shirley Spoon of Gonzales.

There were no corrections to the minutes as read by Barbara Houde, Secretary. Lois Armor gave the treasurer's report showing a deflcit of $80.87 for the original accounr and a balance of $1,830.11 in the Festival Account.

It was announced rhat the Centennial Celebration would be held in Austin, Texas at the Holiday Inn from March 31, 2016 to April 2, 2016.

The Officers’ Reports were given by the president which gave an overview of various subjects oF meetings held by the different clubs in the district.

The senior club reports were given by the club presidents:

Gonzales Music CIub - Shirley Spoon

New Braunfels Music Study Club - Phyllls Noonan in the absence of Johnana Clark

Etude CIub of San Antonio - Lois Armor

Wednesday Moming Music Club of Austin - Carolyn McColloch.

Lois Armor will be the new first vice-president of rhe Texas Federation of Music Clubs.

In the summer of 2016, the NFMC Biennial Convention will be held in Tulsa, Oklahoma.

Carolyn Nelson read a letter naming the state collegiate winner. There was only one applicant, August Ramos from Massachusetts, w'ho is attending school in Houston and performing on the string bass. He was awarded $3000.00.

The musical intedude was performed by Lois Armor. She played "Prelude" by Anatol Kiliadov, "Moming Bell" byJ. F. Burgmuller, and "The Pines" by Matthews.

The memorial service was given by Virginia Kniesner remembering two people from the Wednesday Morning Music Study Club in Austin.

Virginia also gave the invocation before the luncheon. After the luncheon served by the Etude Club, we reconvened for new business.

Mary Eck read the slate of new officers:

PRESIDENT Mary Thomason,  VICE PRESIDENT Carolyn McColloch,  SECRETARY Virginia Kniesner,  CORRESPOND1NG SECRETARY Shirley Spoon,  TREASURER Lois Armor , HISTORIAN Freda Goodman, PARLIAMENTARIAN Phyllis Noonan, AUDITOR Sara Lou Leclerc.

Sue Breuer acknowledged the outgoing officers for their work and time, and she installed the newly elected officers for the next two years.

Susan Ginnity played "October" by Petrov (a retired physician and composer), "Prelude #2" by Gershwin, "Memory" by Sondheim played as a duet with Lois Armor.

Phyllis passed out certificates of EXCELLENCE to the various clubs. The Credentials Committee Report was given by Mary Eck. Courtesy Resolutions were given by Mary Thomason.

The State Committee Convention ruies were read in order to get clubs to donate items for goodie bags. Lois Armor will be the chair person for that proiect. Mary will email further details as they are presented for consideration. These would include table decorations, what to fill the bags, door prizes.

We then adjourned the meeting by singing the official NFMC benediction "The Gift of Song" by Lana Bailey. Mary Thomason led and Phyllis Noonan accompanied on the piano.

Respectfully submitted,

Barbara Houde, Secretary


Annual Fall Conference 2015


Fall Board Meeting 2014