Bylaws and Standing Rules

District VI

Texas Federation of Music Clubs


April 2023

The Bylaws of TFMC District VI are derived from the Bylaws of the Texas Federation of Music Clubs ( Sections which differ from the TFMC Bylaws appear in bold print. Direct excerpts from the TFMC Bylaws appear in italics.


This organization shall be known as TFMC District VI. It is an unincorporated nonprofit association, affiliated with the Texas Federation of Music Clubs and the National Federation of Music Clubs.

ARTICLE II – Mission

The mission of this organization is to

  • ·      facilitate the sharing of information about our affiliates TFMC and NFMC,

  • ·      inform members about the clubs in our area and their events and activities,

  • ·      encourage music education and the promotion of American music

    • and American artists,

  • ·      promote festivals and encourage junior student participation,

  • ·      encourage collegiate and senior participation in musical activities,

  • ·      disseminate information about state/national awards and scholarships,

  • ·      support the development and maintenance of high musical standards, and

  • ·      foster music appreciation, performance and member collegiality.

ARTICLE III – Membership

Section 1. Composition. Membership in the Texas Federation of Music Clubs shall be composed of: 

A. Music clubs and kindred organizations whose purpose is to encourage, develop and maintain high musical standards, and

B. Individuals directly or indirectly interested in the promotion of musical activity.

Section 2. Divisions. The membership shall be in three divisions: Senior, Student/Collegiate, and Junior.

Section 3. Senior Division. The memberships of the Senior Division shall be classified as Active, Associate, or Honorary.

A. The Active Membership of the Senior Division shall be either organizations or individuals.

  1. Organizations formed for the purpose of promoting the study or performance of music such as adult music clubs, choral societies, choirs, festivals, orchestral organizations, music teacher associations, family and other music groups shall be eligible for active membership.

2. Individual membership shall be classified as Individual, Life, Subscriber, Donor, or Patron.

(a) Individual Member. Any individual interested in the advancement of music may become an Individual Member upon payment of annual dues as provided in Article X of these Bylaws. Active Individual Members are entitled to make motions, vote, and hold office. Only an Active Individual or Active Senior Club member has the right to form a Junior Club under the auspices of the NFMC Festivals.

(b) Life Membership shall be conferred upon an individual on the payment of the fee of $200 covering Life Membership in TFMC and NFMC as provided in the NFMC Bylaws. A Life Member shall have all the privileges of active membership and be exempt from the payments of state and national annual dues. Life Membership is not transferable from one state to another state. An individual taking up residence in another state remains a Life Member of the State Federation through which the life membership fee was paid. If a Life Member wishes active participation in the affairs of the new state, that member shall pay dues for membership in that state, as provided in NFMC Bylaws.

(c) A Subscriber, Donor, or Patron shall be any individual who has given at one time --except as provided in (d) below--a sum of $1,000, $2,000, or $10,000, respectively, for this specific purpose as provided in the Bylaws of NFMC. Such an individual shall have all the privileges of active membership and be exempt from the payment of state and national annual dues.

Such membership is not transferable from one state to another state, and the member remains a member of the State Federation through which the fee was paid. If the member wishes active participation in the affairs of the new state, the member must pay dues for membership in that state.

(d) Change in Class of Membership. A Life Member, a Subscriber, or a Donor may change to a higher membership status by paying the difference in fee.

B. Associate Membership

1. Organizations formed for the purpose of promoting a special musical project such as choral societies, orchestras/orchestral associations, opera companies/opera guilds, local alumni chapters of music fraternities or sororities, church choirs, church orchestras, church bands, and groups dedicated to the promotion of a concert series in their own community may become Associate Members. Such associate organizations may send representatives to meetings of TFMC but they shall be entitled neither to make motions nor to vote. Local music organizations holding regular meetings for the transaction of business and the presentation of a program shall not be eligible for associate membership, except those groups organized specifically to promote a musical project.

2. Honorary Membership may be conferred upon an individual who has achieved distinction in music or rendered signal service to TFMC. Candidates for this honor shall be unanimouslyrecommended by the Board of Directors and selected by a unanimous vote of members present and voting at an annual meeting. An Honorary Membership may be revoked in the same manner. Honorary members shall not be entitled to make motions, vote or hold office. They shall be exempt from the payment of dues. The title of Honorary Member shall not preclude active membership for those who may desire active membership with its accompanying obligations of dues and service.

Section 4. Student/Collegiate Division. The membership of the Student/Collegiate Division shall be limited to young people between the ages of 19 and 26 and shall be classified as Individual or Associate.

A. Individual Membership. An individual student may become a Special Active Me. mber upon payment of dues as provided in TFMC Bylaws/Standing Rules.

B. Associate Membership. College groups, university music schools and departments, choruses, bands, orchestras and similar organizations with members in the 19-26-year age bracket who do not wish active participation in the business affairs of the TFMC may become Associate members upon payment of dues.

Section 5. Junior Division. The membership in the Junior Division shall be limited to individuals or organizations whose members are not over 18 years of age. The Individual Membership in the Junior Division may be either organization or individual.

A. Organizations. All Junior music clubs, bands, orchestras, choirs, choruses or similar organizations whose members are not more than 18 years of age may become active members of the Junior Division.

B. An individual in the Junior Division may become a Special Member upon payment of dues as provided in TFMC Bylaws/Standing Rules.

C. The Cradle Roll. Children from birth to five years of age shall be eligible for membership in the Cradle Roll, upon payment of the Cradle Roll fee as provided in TFMC Bylaws/Standing Rules.

Section 6. Termination of Membership

A. Resignation. Any organization in good standing may resign by sending written resignation to the TFMC Treasurer, who shall in turn notify the NFMC Treasurer and the president of the district in which the club is located.

B. Forfeiture. If dues are not received by January 1, a member shall be considered delinquent and shall be so notified. Any member whose dues are in arears for more than a year shall be considered to have forfeited membership and shall be dropped from the rolls.

C. Reinstatement. Any organization which resigns in good standing may be reinstated on application, accompanied by current dues payment.  

ARTICLE IV – District VI Meetings

Section 1.  The annual conference shall be held in the fall.

A. Voting Body.  All District VI Senior members in good standing shall be eligible to vote at the annual conference.

B. Quorum.  Fifteen (15) qualified voters shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at the annual conference.

Section 2.  All meetings—including Executive Committee and Board of Directors meetings--may be held in person, by telephone, or via electronic transmission.

ARTICLE V – Officers

Section 1.  The elected officers of District VI shall be President, First Vice-President, Second Vice-President, Recording Secretary, Treasurer, Parliamentarian, and Historian.  A Corresponding Secretary may be appointed by the President. An Auditor shall be appointed by the Executive Committee.

A. Term of Office. New officers shall take office on July 1, following the Board Meeting of the odd-numbered year at which the installation of all officers shall take place.

B. Except for the Treasurer and Historian, district officers shall serve no more than two (2) two-year terms in the same office.

Section 2.  The PRESIDENT shall preside at all meetings of District VI, shall appoint all chairs (except the co-chairs of the Nominating/Elections Committee), and shall perform all other duties pertaining to the office.  The President shall be chair of the Board of Directors and act as a member ex-officio* of all committees except the Nominating/Elections Committee.   The President shall endorse all District VI bills (other than those associated with Festival 6-1, 6-2, 6-3, and 6-4 bank accounts) before any money is paid out by the Treasurer. In the event of a vacancy of an elected office, the President shall appoint a replacement to complete the term, subject to approval by the Executive Committee.

Section 3.  The FIRST VICE PRESIDENT shall 

  • represent the interests of Senior Division members,

  • disseminate information about state/national awards,

  • assist the President in any way called upon,

  • in the absence or disability of the President perform all duties of that office, and

  • assume the office of President in case of a vacancy.

At the direction of the President, the First Vice President shall issue notices of meetings at least thirty (30) days before the meetings and include an attachment of the previous meeting’s minutes.  The First Vice President shall co-chair the Nominating/Elections Committee.

Section 4.  The SECOND VICE PRESIDENT shall 

  • represent the interests of Junior Division members, festival clubs and teachers,

  • disseminate information about state/national awards,

  • inform members about festivals as well as about Junior and Student/Collegiate activities,

  • recruit and coordinate volunteers from Senior Music Clubs to assist with District VI festivals, and

  • co-chair the Nominating/Elections Committee.

Section 5.  The RECORDING SECRETARY shall take minutes of all meetings of District VI and shall send copies of the minutes to the officers and Finance Chair within thirty (30) days.  The Recording Secretary shall have in custody and maintain all minutes, records, and papers of District VI. This includes applicable permanent governance documents as well as procedural and operational policy documents that are specific to District VI.  The Recording Secretary shall maintain a current list of all members and their contact information.  The list shall include each member’s name, address, phone numbers and email address.  

Section 6.  The TREASURER shall collect all dues and receive all money for District VI, keeping an accurate account of all receipts and disbursements.  Disbursements shall be paid by order of the President.  The Treasurer shall send the President and Finance Committee a monthly statement of cash receipts and disbursements.   The Treasurer shall present an itemized report of income and expenses at each Board of Directors meeting and shall serve as a member of the District VI Credentials Committee and ex-officio* member of the Finance Committee.  The Treasurer shall send dues notices to all clubs annually. The Treasurer may serve more than two (2) two-year terms.

Section 7.  The PARLIAMENTARIAN shall advise officers and members on points of parliamentary law when requested, using the most recent edition of Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised, as an authority.

Section 8.  The HISTORIAN shall be responsible for documenting the current history of District VI.  The Historian shall photograph, or collect photographs of, attendees and activities at District VI meetings, as well as collect and preserve any printed material pertaining to the history of District VI.  The Historian may serve more than two (2) two-year terms.

Section 9.  The CORRESPONDING SECRETARY shall conduct such official correspondence as requested by the President or the Board of Directors.  At the direction of the President, the Corresponding Secretary may also disseminate information to all Club Presidents about club reports.  The President may appoint this officer.

Section 10.  The AUDITOR shall be appointed by the Executive Committee for a two-year term and shall be a member of District VI. The Auditor shall examine the Treasurer’s accounts annually and present a report at each annual conference.  The Auditor shall conduct an audit and file a report with the President at the close of the fiscal year following the election of officers. 

ARTICLE VI  --  Executive Committee

Section 1.  Composition. The Executive Committee shall be composed of the President, the First Vice President, the Second Vice President, the Recording Secretary, the Parliamentarian, and the Treasurer.

Section 2.  Duties. The Executive Committee shall appoint the Auditor. The Executive Committee shall appoint all special committees and shall act for the Board of Directors in case of emergency during intervals between meetings of the Board.   All actions of this committee shall be reported to the Board of Directors for approval.

Section 3. Meetings. The Executive Committee shall meet at the call of the President, or upon written request of three members.

Section 4. Quorum. Three (3) members of the committee shall be considered a quorum.

Section 5.  Business needing immediate attention which does not warrant a called meeting of the Executive Committee may new transacted by correspondence, telephone ore electronic transmission.

ARTICLE VII  --  Board of Directors

Section 1.  Composition.  The Board of Directors shall be composed of District VI officers and Club Presidents or designees. Past District VI Presidents who are not active members of the Board shall be Honorary members.**

Section 2.  The Board of Directors shall meet in June of odd-numbered years. Eight (8) members shall constitute a quorum.  The installation of all new officers shall take place at this meeting, and their term shall begin July 1.

Section 3.  All business, other than routine matters, transacted by the Board of Directors shall be reported to the general membership.

 ARTICLE VIII – Elections

Section 1.  Election of officers for TFMC District VI shall be held by email/USPS in the odd-numbered years using the process defined below that allows all members of the district to participate in the election. 

Section 2.  The Nominating/Elections Committee shall be composed of each District VI Club President or designee.  The Co-Chairs of the Nominating/Elections Committee shall be the First and Second Vice-Presidents.  The Committee’s responsibilities shall include the following:

A) prepare and send (by email/USPS) to all District VI members a list of the offices of District VI and their responsibilities, and request nominations for District VI officers for the coming two-year term; such nominations are to be returned to the District VI Vice-Presidents; 

B) verify that each of those nominated by this process is willing and eligible to serve and request that each nominee submit a photo and short biography;

C) prepare and send (by email/USPS) to the membership a ballot of the nominations received in the above process, requesting that members vote on one nominee for each office; the ballots are to be returned to the District VI Vice-Presidents;

D) count the votes (three members of Nominating/Elections Committee), a majority of the votes cast being necessary to elect;

E) announce the results of the balloting.   

Section 4.  Term of Office.  The new officers shall take office on July 1, following the June Board Meeting of the odd-numbered year at which the installation of all officers shall take place.  Except for the Treasurer and Historian, district officers shall serve no more than two (2) two-year terms in the same office. 

ARTICLE IXDepartments and Committees — N/A

ARTICLE XDues and Finance — N/A


ARTICLE XIIPast Presidents Assembly — N/A


The State shall be divided into organized districts which shall be self-governing but subject to the policies of the TFMC. All members joining the TFMC become, automatically members of their respective districts. Districts must use TFMC in their titles.


Section 1. There shall be a Council, comprised of the Presidents of the Districts of the TFMC, organized for the purpose of discussing district activities and the correlation of state and district work.

Section 2. The Council. shall be under the direction of the TFMC President-Elect and shall meet during. board meetings and at the annual meeting.

ARTICLE XV — National Representation — N/A

ARTICLE XVI — Publications — N/A


The official seal of the Texas Federation of Music Clubs shall be the Texas State Seal (Lone Star surrounded by a wreath of wheat and oak leaves) with one measure of “Texas, Our Texas” (Marsh) at the bottom. This seal shall be used on all official TFMC papers.

ARTICLE XVIII – Parliamentary Authority

The most recent edition of Roberts Rules of Order, Newly Revised shall govern this organization in all cases not covered by these Bylaws or the Standing Rules.

ARTICLE XIX – Opera in the Ozarks at Inspiration Point Fine Arts Colony

District VI shall be a supporting organization for NFMC’s Inspiration Point Fine Arts Colony in Eureka Springs, Arkansas.

ARTICLE XX – Amendments

These Bylaws may be amended at any time via email/USPS by a two-thirds vote of the District members responding to the invitation to vote, provided the voting deadline is at least thirty (30) days after distribution of the proposed amendments.

ARTICLE XXI – Hold Harmless Provision

The elected or appointed officers, members of the Board of Directors, and appointed committee members serve by the authority granted in the TFMC Bylaws.

In accepting election or appointment to such positions, each officer, board member or committee member understands and acknowledges that each such person shall be held harmless and shall not be personally liable either jointly or severally, as to any action taken or not taken during his or her service to TFMC as an officer, board member, or committee member, provided, however, that the foregoing shall not eliminate or limit:

1. the liability of any such member if a judgment or other final adjudication adverse to such established that his or her acts or omissions were in bad faith or involved intentional misconduct or a knowing violation of law, or that he or she personally gained a financial profit or other advantage to which he or she was not legally entitled;

2. the liability of any such member for any act or omission on his or her part prior to the adoption of the foregoing policy.

ARTICLE XXIIDissolution of the Corporation – N/A

* An ex-officio member may participate fully with the same rights as the other committee members but is not required to participate.

** An honorary member shall have none of the obligations of membership in District VI but shall be entitled to all of the privileges except those of making motions, of voting and of holding office.

Revised October 2018/Revised July 2020/Revised April 2023


(July 2, 2020) (Amended October 8, 2022)

The Standing Rules of District VI shall conform to the Standing Rules of the Texas Federation of Music Clubs ( with the following exceptions. 


  1. A registration fee of $10.00 shall be paid by all persons attending district meetings. No one shall be allowed to take part in any session unless such registration fee is paid (rev. 10/6/18). The registration fees received for each meeting shall be divided equally between the host club and the District. Out-of-District guest speakers, performers, or other special guests invited by the District President may be exempted from registration fees.

  2. Each report submitted at the annual conferences shall be typewritten on paper 8.5 X 11 inches, dated so that comprehensive reports and records may be kept.

  3. Outgoing officers and committee chairs shall turn over all data and material helpful to the newly elected officers and committee chairs as soon as possible, and no later than thirty (30) days after their installation.

  4. One month prior to each annual conference, a meeting notice shall be issued to the membership specifying the time, place, and duration of the meeting and any other information regarding hotels, transportation, etc.

  5. The District Finance Committee shall be composed of three (3) members. Each District VI President shall appoint one new member to serve a six-year term replacing the member rotating off the committee. The District President shall appoint the chair. Ex-officio* members of this committee shall be the President and Treasurer. The primary responsibilities of this committee are advising the District on financial matters and reviewing the Treasurer’s Reports and proposed annual District budgets. The chair in conjunction with the Treasurer, shall submit the proposed budget to the Executive Committee for approval prior to the annual conference.

  6. Every year in June, TFMC may send District VI a pro-rata rebate check, which is a partial return of the year’s dues and fees paid to TFMC by District VI members. The rebate has a cap of $500. It is listed as income in the District Budget. District VI shall use the TFMC pro-rata rebate to award the Festival chairs equally up to $50 per year. The combined total of the awards shall not exceed the portion of the rebate that comes from festival fees. After the awards are subtracted, the remainder of the pro-rata rebate shall stay in the District VI bank account as income.

  7. The Credentials Committee shall furnish the Recording Secretary with an alphabetical listing of those attending the meetings.

  8. Each club shall be assessed $20.00 dues annually, in order to help defray the expenses of the District. Voluntary contributions over this amount shall be accepted. The money shall be sent to the District Treasurer.

  9. The District VI President shall be allowed $250.00 toward yearly expenses. The receipts must be submitted to the Treasurer for reimbursement within 90 days of invoice date and no later than June 30 of each fiscal year.

  10. The District shall honor past District VI Presidents with a gift in recognition of their service.

  11. The District shall provide up to a $50.00 allowance to the club hosting the annual conference and Board of Directors meetings for room rental or related expenses. The host club must submit a reimbursement request with receipts.

  12. In the event of a State or National officer coming to speak at the District VI conference, the President shall appoint a host to serve the guest. The host shall

  • provide a biography to the President for the introduction of the guest;

  • assist in setting up any equipment needed for guest presentation;

  • greet the guest upon arrival at the meeting hall and help with any materials that need to be moved inside;

  • introduce the guest to those present;

  • assure that the guest is served lunch first; and

  • assist the guest with departure.

  1. Suggested timeline for District VI election of officers:

  • No later than January 31 of the odd-numbered year, Club Presidents shall submit to the Recording Secretary a list of their members with contact information.

  • On March 1, the Nominating/Elections Committee shall send to each member a list of the officers of District VI and their responsibilities, as well as the nomination form for District VI officers for the coming two-year term.

  • By March 31, nomination forms shall be returned to the Vice-Presidents.

  • By April 15, the Nominating/Elections Committee shall confirm that each person nominated is indeed agreeable to serving and request that each nominee submit a photo and short biography.

  • By April 20, the Nominating/Elections Committee shall send a ballot to each member.

  • By May 15, the ballots shall be returned to the District VI Vice-Presidents; any ballots received after that date shall not be counted.

  • In June at the Board of Directors meeting, the Nominating/Elections Committee shall announce the election results.

*An ex-officio member may participate fully, with the same rights as the other committee members, but is not required to participate.

Revised October, 2018 / Revised July 2, 2020