Annual Fall Conference 2012

Texas Federation of Music Clubs District IV

Annual Fall Meeting

October 20, 2012 Colonial Hill United Methodist Church, San Antonio, TX

President Lois Armor called the Annual Fall District meeting to order at 10:05 a.m.

The Federation Collect was recited by the members, led by the president.

The Federation Hymn was sung by the group, led by Herb Karnau. Carol Dubose accompanied on the piano.

The members were welcomed by President Armor. Maxine Gomes presented the response and issued an invitation to Austin in 2013. The Wednesday Morning Music Club will serve as the host club.

Business Session:

The Parliamentary Statement was read by Shirley Spoon, District Parliamentarian.

The minutes of the previous meeting held on October 15, 2011, were read by Recording Secretary Mary Eck, and approved as corrected.

Treasurer Herb Karnau reminded the district clubs of the $15.00 annual dues. He then presented the district report, the district budget, and the Festival budget. The recommendation from the Executive Board to accept the budget reports was read and approved by the membership. Copies of these reports are filed with these minutes.

Officers reporting are as follows: Sue Breuer - News from National Lois Armor - President Barbara Houde - Vice President who gave an oral report Carol Dubose - District Historian

President Armor called for the reading of the slate of officers for 2012-2014. Mary Eck, committee member, read the following:

President - Phyllis Noonan of Wednesday Morning Music Club Vice President - Shirley Spoon of Gonzales Music Club Recording Secretary - Barbara Houde, New Braunfels Music Club Treasurer - Lois Armor, Etude Music Club Corresponding Secretary - Virginia Kniesner, Wednesday Morning Music Club Historian - Carol DuBose, Gonzales Music Club Parliamentarian - Lois Armor, Etude Music Club

Nominating Committee: Chair Dr. Martha McDonald, Virginia Kniesner and Mary Eck.

Musical Interlude

"The Man I Love" by George Gershwin, presented by Mary Eck, pianist

"Someone to Watch Over Me" by George Gershwin presented by Margaret Ham, soprano, and accompanied by Mary Eck, pianist

"Phantom of the Opera" presented by Ginger McKay, soprano and pianist

"Little Orphan Annie" James Whitcomb Riley, presented by Marque McKay

A Memorial Service was presented by Maxine Gnomes to celebrate the life of Vivian Mansell.

The group recessed for lunch. The meeting resumed at 12:40 p.m.

Awards were presented by President Armor to Etude Music Club, Gonzales Music Study Club, New Braunfels Music Study Club and Wednesday Morning Music Club. The Installation of Officers was conducted by Sue Breuer.


President Armor presented folders to each of the club presidents. Shirley Spoon reminded the past district officers of the Past Presidents Association dues of $2.00.

President Armor presented gifts to Herb Karnau and Johanna Clark for past work in the district. Shirley Spoon presented a thank you gift for out-going president Lois Armor.

A motion to adjourn was made by Cookie Nattinger and accepted. The meeting closed with the singing of the Official Benediction "The Gift of Song" led by Shirley Spoon and accompanied by Mary Eck.

Mary Eck, Recording Secretary


Annual Fall Conference 2013