Biennial Board Meeting 2019

TFMC District VI General Assembly Meeting

June 15, 2019 Biennial Summer Board Meeting

Coker United Methodist Church – Wesley Building

231 E. North Loop Rd., San Antonio, TX 78216

Present: Lois Armor, Brett Bachus, Sue Bachus, Vida Burnett, Svetlana Clifft, Susan Ginnity, Mary Eck, Marcia Edwards, Joshua Frilling, John Isaacks, Carla Johnson, Phil Johnson, Virginia Kniesner, Carolyn McColloch, Marque McKay, Lavena Miller, Martha (“Cookie”) Nattinger, Barbara Perdue, and Mary Thomason.

The District VI Summer Biennial Board Meeting was called to order at 10:46 a.m. by President Mary Thomason. Mary gifted planners to the five attendees who registered early. All present read the Texas Pledge and sang “Texas Our Texas” led by Marcia Edwards, accompanied by Brett Bachus. A greeting from the host club was given by Lovena Miller, President of the Etude Music Club of San Antonio. Etude Club member and Coker UMC Historian Mary Eck gave historical information about the 136-year heritage of the church. The response was given by Vida Burnett, President of the Gonzales Music Study Club. Gonzales will be the location of the 2019 District VI Fall Conference.  

The Musical Interlude was provided by Etude member Joshua Frilling and his students (Theo Surratt, Luis Valdez, and Esme Gutierrez). Susan Ginnity was the emcee. Mary Thomason read the Parliamentarian Statement from the NFMC’s Practical Pointers on Parliamentary Procedures in the absence of Parliamentarian Phyllis Noonan. The minutes from the District VI Summer Board Meeting held on June 10, 2017 were approved as distributed.

John Isaacks gave the Treasurer’s report for the period July 1, 2018 to June 15, 2019. This report does not include the Festival Treasurers’ Reports. The TFMC Festival District Treasuries are accountable to TFMC. The District VI Treasurer has oversight over the Festival finances. The current checking account balance is presently $5,650.41. The deposits and withdrawals totals are $248.49 and $325.00, respectively. Upcoming income projections include the arrival of approximately $450.00 in Pro Rata by July 1, 2019 and $140.00 in District VI dues. Upcoming expense activities are the annual donations of $150.00 each to Inspiration Point Fine Arts Colony and to the Round Top Festival. Also reported was that the $5,000.00 TFMC, District VI CD in First National Bank of Shiner matured on February 22, 2019 with $70.99 paid in interest.

President Mary Thomason distributed Certificates of Appreciation to 2017-2019 District VI officers: Vice-President Carolyn McColloch, Treasurer John Isaacks, Recording Secretary Virginia Kniesner, Parliamentarian Phyllis Noonan, and Historian Cookie Nattinger. The nomination and election of District VI officers for the 2019-2021 term was conducted by Vice-President and Nominating Committee Chair Carolyn McColloch with assistance from Treasurer John Isaacks. The final slate of officers was approved by acclamation. The District VI officers elected for the 2019-2021 term are President Marcia Edwards, Vice President Virginia Kniesner, Treasurer John Isaacks, Recording Secretary Judy Gorrell, Parliamentarian Mary Thomason, and Historian Cookie Nattinger. The Corresponding Secretary is appointed by the new President.

TFMC Music in Poetry Chair Marque McKay announced that Vida Burnett won 2nd place in the TFMC composer contest for the setting of Fenton Johnson’s poem “In the Evening.” Marque presented Vida with a large framed award certificate. Carla Johnson sang Vida’s composition which was arranged by Marque McKay. Carolyn McColloch provided the piano accompaniment.

Lois Armor and Susan Ginnity arranged for a delicious luncheon for meeting attendees. Mary led the reading of an Invocation written by Indian Rev. White Eagle ( Lunch lasted from 12 p.m. to 12:30 p.m.

The installation of new officers was conducted by Carla Johnson. The new officers will assume their duties on July 1, 2019 and their term of office ends on June 30, 2021. 

The Executive Committee presented three recommendations. All three recommendations were approved by acclamation by the General Assembly. The first recommendation was the Resolution to Change Signatories on Junior Festival bank accounts by reducing the number of signers on TFMC District Festival accounts from four signatories to three. The wording in this Resolution is as follows:

WHEREAS, the Board of Directors has determined it to be in the best interest of Texas Federation of Music Club District VI (TFMC District VI) to reduce the number of signatories on bank accounts for each TFMC Juvenile Festivals District within TFMC District VI (TFMC Junior Festivals District 6-1, TFMC Junior Festivals District 6-3, TFMC Junior Festivals District 6-4), be it:

RESOLVED, that TFMC District VI execute and deliver to bank(s) a signed copy of this revised banking resolution, and that the authority to transact business, including but not limited to opening and maintaining savings, checking and other accounts by each individual TFMC Junior Festivals District, will be as detailed in this resolution. Officers authorized to act on behalf of each individual TFMC Junior Festivals District account as indicated in this chart:

The chart included with the resolution contains three signatories for each individual TFMC Junior Festivals District: 6-1, 6-3, and 6-4. The original Resolution passed on October 2, 2015 (Resolution to Open Bank Accounts) had four signatories, and it included the TFMC District VI President listed as one of the signatories. The Resolution for change leaves the following three signatories for 6-1, 6-3, and 6-4 bank accounts: TFMC District 6 Treasurer, TFMC 6-1 (6-3 and 6-4) Festival Chair and TFMC 6-1 (6-3 and 6-4) Treasurer.

The second recommendation from the current Executive Committee is that the incoming District VI Executive Board establish a Finance Committee to review and update district financial policies and practices. Members of this committee should have experience with finance, banking, or financial planning. This committee would also make recommendations about handling the $5,000.00 investment CD. Since the District VI Treasurer is the signatory on the CD account, John Isaacks should replace Lois Armor as signer.

The third recommendation from the Executive Committee is that a review of District VI Bylaws and Standing Rules be undertaken. An amendment proposed by Virginia Kniesner was tabled in ordered to allow consideration of a total Bylaws update by the new administration. Because timing is of the essence if the incoming board wishes to introduce amendments at the 2019 Fall Conference, the Executive Committee elected Mary Thomason to chair the Bylaws Committee. Board members approved the appointment of four additional committee members: Virginia Kniesner, Lois Armor, Sue Bachus, and Mary Eck. On July 1, 2019, Marcia Edwards assumes her presidency and will be an ex officio member of all district committees. Send proposed Bylaws amendments to Mary Thomason during the summer.

There is no new business today. It is deferred to the incoming Board. Mary made the following announcements. The TFMC Newsletter is now called the Lone Star Musical Messenger, and one of the new co-editors is Marcia Edwards. July 1 is the deadline for submissions to the next issue. The NFMC Annual Convention is in Jacksonville, FL, June 18-22, 2019. The Opera in the Ozarks Federation Days are July 17-20, 2019. The TFMC Annual Board meeting is August 23-24, 2019 at the Dallas Love Field Embassy Suites.

Mary also announced that the Official Call for this meeting should have shown $10.00 as the registration fee, not $5.00 due to a change in the District VI’s first Standing Rule. Attendees are encouraged to donate $5.00 today to make up the difference. Winners of today’s five door prizes for answering a TFMC history trivia question are reminded to take one of the yellow rose centerpieces from the lunch. Thanks to Lois Armor and Mary Thomason for the trivia questions and answers. As an added bonus Mary distributed TFMC Membership ID cards with a barcode that contains our name and email. Similar cards have been used by juniors when they check in at festivals.

TFMC Insignia Chair Marcia Edwards announced that TFMC and NFMC insignia materials are for sale today on the display table. Books about music and musicians are also for sale. Cookie Nattinger announced that Holly and Joan had a table display of fair trade musical instruments from around the world.

The Credentials report compiled by Susan Ginnity was read by Lois Armor. There were 19 members present at the meeting: 0 were NFMC Officers, 1-NFMC Chair, 1-TFMC Officer, 8-TFMC Chairs, 4-District VI Officers, 4-District VI Chairs, 7-Life Members, and 3-Club Presidents.

The Courtesy Resolutions were read by Gonzales Music Study Club President Vida Burnett. Vida moved that the resolutions be accepted. Marque seconded the motion. The motion passed by acclamation.

Marque McKay led the “Gift of Song” Benediction and Lois Armor played the piano accompaniment.

The meeting adjourned at 1:44 p.m.

Submitted by Virginia Kniesner, Recording Secretary


Annual Fall Conference 2019


Annual Fall Conference 2018