Annual Fall Conference 2016


The Texas Federation of Music Clubs District Vl Fall Conference was held in Gonzales on October 8, 2016. The following clubs were in attendance: The Wednesday Morning Music Club of Austin represented by Carolyn McColloch, Sue Breuer, Phyllis Noonan, and Virginia Kniesner; The Etude Music Club of San Antonio represented by Lois Armor, Marque McKay; the New Braunfels Music Study Club by Mary Wittrup, Jo Ann Lemmon, and Johnana Clark; and the Music Study Club of Gonzales represented by Shirley Spoon, Carol Dubose, Barbara Blanchard, Laurel lnce, Gena Alford, and Mildred Lauvine. Judy Gorrell came from the Arpeggio Music Club in San Antonio.
Mary Thomason (President of District Vl) and John lsaacks came from the Crownridge Music Club in San Antonio.

The General Assembly meeting was called to order at 10:25 a.m. Shirley Spoon welcomed the attendees, and provided information about the painted mural in the new addition of the building. Johnana Clark responded to the welcome with an elaborate "thank you." The NFMC Collect was recited, and the Federation Hymn was sung. Phyllis Noonan led the singing while Judy Gorrell played the piano accompaniment. Robert's Rules of Order, newly revised, 11th edition was cited by Phyllis as the set of rules being used by the Parliamentarian for this meeting.

The minutes from the October 2015 meeting had been distributed by email. Judy Gorrell made the motion to accept the minutes, and Johnana Clark seconded the motion. The minutes were approved with no further corrections.

Treasurer Lois Armor presented the Treasurer's report. The estimated expenses are $475 The estimated income is $690. As of 9/30/16 there is $4,839.58 in the TFttilC District 6 Original Account; $4,126.68 in the TFMC District 6 Festival Account; and $5,000 in the TFMC District 6 CD. The executive committee recommended the acceptance of the proposed budget by the General Assembly including the raise in annual dues for 2017-18'. Raise the District Vl annual dues for 2017-18 from $15 per club to $20 (moved by Johnana Clark and seconded by Marque McKay, all were in favor). District Vl Auditor Sara Lou Leclerc had audited the Regular Account and the Festival Account from July 1 ,2015 through June 30, 2016, and found both to be in good order.

The Crownridge Music CIub (CMC) is planning a fundraising event on Saturday, October 15, 2016 to benefit the CMC Charitable Fund. lt will be a musical marathon from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. The 2016-2017 proceeds are dedicated to Aug. 2016 Louisiana NFMC junior and senior member who are flood survivors. Other District Vl clubs are encouraged to consider musical fundraising events to beneflt other music club members who are survivors of natural disasters. Austin has added a new senior club called "Opus 64." They are hoping to do an instruments drive.

Flutist Amanda Smith and accompanist Christina Menking presented the musical interlude at 11 a.m. They distributed lyrics to one of the songs so that we could sing along.

Virginia conducted the memorial service at 11:15 a.m. and recited the invocation around 11.25 a.m. The Gonzales Music Study Club hosted the 11:30 luncheon.

The Business Meeting continued after the luncheon. District President Mary Thomason read her report and the report from Marcia Edwards, the President of the Wednesday Morning Music Club of Austin.
Shirley Spoon, President of the Gonzales Music Study Club, read her report. Marque McKay, President of the Etude Club of San Antonio, read her report. Mary Wittrup, President of the New Braunfels Music Study Club, read her report.

Marque also had a special "music in poetry" challenge. She has written a 3-part vocal arrangement to the poem, "ln Flanders Fields," by Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae, but there is no piano accompaniment yet to match the vocal arrangement. The challenge is to compose the piano accompaniment. The winner's composition will be performed at the 2017 Spring TFMC Board Meeting. Contact Marque McKay or Lynn McNew, TFMC President for more information.

Shirley moved and Mary seconded that the current slate of officers be accepted by acclamation to serve for the 2017-2019 term with the exception of Treasurer Lois Armor who will be replaced by John lsaacks. The motion was approved by acclamation. Mary asked that each chair also continue in their position through 2017-2019. lf you cannot, email Mary.

The Rose Humphrey Trophy is a state award going to the district with the most hours logged in community service. Since District Vl won, it will rotate among the senior clubs in District Vl since all contributed to the total district hours. lts first club to visit will be the Wednesday Morning Music Club of Austin, and Carolyn McColloch was entrusted to deliver it.

The Credentials Committee Report was read by Barbara Blanchard and the Courtesy Resolutions by Johnana CIark. The meeting was adjourned at 12:55 p.m. with Shirley Spoon leading "The Gift of Song" to Carol DuBose's piano accompaniment.

Submitted by: Virginia Kniesner , District Vl Recording Secretary


Annual Fall Conference 2017


Annual Fall Conference 2015